Picture of naturally mountain range



Please do not run away from this site if you are not a Christian.

If you do then you will miss an opportunity of exploring the mind of one who is preparing a number of gateways to guaranteed interest. One may take you into a revelation that would utterly dumbfound the mind, while another may plunge a reader into the comical yet delightful life of a ‘hard done by’ soul trying to do their best for mankind. Yet a third could give an insight into a social disease which has plagued the lives of a large number of individuals, particularly women. (A touch of humour guaranteed)

Of course there is a very serious side as well and it is because of this that I want to show that we Christians are human beings. I want you to understand how it is that someone who was a warrant officer in the army reserve; trusted with global secrets, played representative sport, was brought low to marvel at the simple workings of a buttercup. If this seems crazy then let me tell you it was the gateway to understanding why all the horrors and deprivations of the world; the unhappiness and increasing enmity between religions; the sickness and tragedy of individuals; the deceit and corruption of governments, can finally made sense. There is a way to obtain peace and it is for all.

If you want to purchase then please note all proceeds are ploughed back into the community. (www.3scoreyearsand10.co.uk). This is not a pompous and self-righteous act in any way but simply due to what empowers me to help those, who through no fault of their own, are left bereft, lost and helpless within the U.K. If you want to understand why this is then grab a book, after which I would love to hear from you.