The fat of the land book cover

The Fat of the Land

The only dieting book with a promise and that is…it works, permanently!


Diet and healthy eating are ‘hot topics’ in the Western world as society is ravaged by the two extremes of, at one end obesity, and at the other anorexia and the size of zero mentality. In the past couple of years U.S. scientists have concluded that dieting is pointless, and British scientists have discovered the ‘fat’ gene which can increase the chance of becoming obese by 70%.  There is hope and this book describes how God transformed a mind, attitude and understanding, enabling many pounds of weight to be lost while radically improving health – all without enduring a painful diet.


“This is certainly a most unusual book, I imagine it will provoke many a wry smile but it does at least offer a welcome dose of cynicism about some of the wilder claims of the so called health and fitness lobby. Spiritual contentment must always be more important than physical appearance and this book offers some antidotes to the poison of obsession with physical perfection.”

Rt. Hon. Ann Widdecombe

Click to preview an excerpt from Chapter 1.

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