Contrition book cover


Christians fighting soulless humans…myth or reality? This book is awaiting publication.


Contrition tells of the plausible circumstances under which Christians will have to survive in the year 2060. Successive programs force those in Europe to live within three enclaves in Britain. The book opens with the death of a courier who brings confirmation of the laboratory release of a devastating being into the world; the foretold horror Christians have dreaded for centuries! Is this the beast of the Bible? Has he been manufactured and if so could he have a soul? His release upon the world’s stage occurs just as the Leaders of these enclaves are seeking compromise with their tormentors, in order to prevent annihilation. One is tricked into capture but this sets the mind of the remainder to resist the authoritarian regime at all costs. Their leader is brilliantly plucked from the hands of his torturers, but because of the subsequent duplicity of their enemy the remnant battle on, even after the majority have been liquidated in terrible circumstances. Even though all appears lost the recaptured leaders, earmarked for public execution, still manage to thwart the menace in miraculous ways. This allows them to come back to their God and leads to the escape of a few who take The Word to a new place of safety.




This is a challenging account of how the future might evolve for a Christian living in the year 2060. It is based on the assumption that conditions have moved to a totalitarian government and a one world order is about to emerge. It seems that Christians will have been reduced to a small rump, living in enclaves as outlaws. The story is an account of how the leaders of these enclaves face the final struggles to preserve authentic Christianity. It is full of realities of persecution, battles, psychological warfare and martyrdom. It is definitely not for the squeamish but a book full of prophetic encounters which nevertheless attain and air of authenticity. The characters are well drawn and plausible, the plot well-constructed and the story runs smoothly from beginning to end. The author has used his own experience of the darker side of faith to describe many of the traumas the heroes have to face. The book cannot be recommended to those young in faith, or to those to whom adversity is something to be denied. For the rest of us, whether Christian or not, it is a sobering account of what might be in the shape of things to come. I pray that we will not be put through such a test, but should we find ourselves there, we will be better prepared by having read this book.


Grahame Scofield 2010.

Chapter 1




The death of the courier is not good.

He steps out of the room into cold night air, the pain etched deeply on his face. His waiting grandson does not say anything, but as their eyes meet he bites deep into his lip.  Together they make their weary way towards the main building. The enclave is quiet and the sparse conversation within ceases the moment they enter. All eyes are riveted on their patriarch as he slowly climbs a dais.

     “Let us pray.”

     A few people drop to their knees but all heads bow in homage.

     “Father, there is nothing left now,” voice shaking he shouts heavenward.

“Teach us Lord what we are to do. Your time is upon us. Give us strength for the final battle. All we can offer you now are our lives.” He is tear-streaked face frantically scans those below, as though seeking verification. There is nothing but whimpering and he resumes his wretched abasement. The wailing increases as awareness of a tragedy sweeps over the congregation until all are crying out to their God. Throughout, the old man remains slumps forward head now on the ground calling the name Adoni. The cry is taken up until all appear to be enmeshed in an orgy of worship. After several minutes the ecstatic utterings and whimpering slowly die away.

“What do you want from us dear Lord?” This man of God asks and wrings his hands continually. “Are we to fight? Are we to give in? Some on the floor below raise their heads. “Dear God speak to us as now we are at a loss and we need you Lord.” Shouts puncture the air until and someone calls out in a tongue. Slowly all fall silent under the beautiful chant. A word is given. The hushed room awaits interpretation as a small child begins to cry. It is hushed as a young girl stands up.

 “I am the Lord thy God who has brought you out of Egypt. In a little while you will see me. Do not be alarmed… but those who will stay faithful to the end will be mine. Those who do not remain faithful will never see me.”

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