Cover of Sweet Sanctity book by Chris Grummitt

Sweet Sanctity

Is there such a thing as marriage anymore? Does God’s definition
hold a secret blessing for everyone, married or not?


Never before in the history of the church has the sanctity of marriage been threatened by the very people who have vowed to uphold its spiritual significance. Does this exist at all? Is it of relevance today? If so, then should it not encompass unions other than those between a man and a woman? Is immorality outmoded, or does such behaviour wreck the lives of participants?  Sweet Sanctity answers these and many other questions by taking a journey through one of the most controversial books of the Bible, the Song of Songs. It will show how God is offering hope to passionate young lovers, those who have loved and lost, and especially to those who appear bereft of such ecstasy.

Extraordinary years of mission work led to an understanding as to why God’s grace appeared to change the lives of godless couples. Biblical research revealed how this book not only confirmed the identity of marriage but showed how Jesus provides hope of spiritual consummation for everyone, married or otherwise.

Click to view sample of Chapter 1

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