Book cover of Whited Sepulchre

Whited Sepulchres

Established denominations stand on the brink of destruction, but is this God’s will?


Is the emerging church a stench to the nostrils of God? Examination of recent Papal documents shows how the abdication of Pope Benedict and the acceptance of Pope Francis were contrived, the reason being this great bastion for conservative example is deep in trouble with hemorrhaging congregations. Although poles apart on theology, the protestant church, split a hundred ways, is equally beset and deep into heresies. Many false prophets and dubious manifestations wreak havoc. These two ‘enemies’ are on a collision course towards ecumenism, and the first stage in fulfilling the prophecy of ‘the Whore’ is now before us. Strange events thought impossible a decade ago will, impinge on the work of the true Disciples of Christ, who are being persecuted for their stand. Scrutiny of scripture is essential to avoid this encroaching apostasy that will attempt to seduce every Disciple. Jesus suggested to his Apostles that when he returned to earth he may have difficulty finding anyone with faith. ‘Whited Sepulchre’ exposes the reasons why this is of importance today and re-examines the ground rules for membership of the Elect.


Chapter 1


There is the matter of defining exactly what is this salvation found in the Bible. At least every Christian believes it to be necessary, but is there any thought what the word really means? The fact that everyone agrees it is necessary means that there must be something pretty horrible to be saved from. There is, and it is ultimately hell. However, in reality it is from ourselves because we are all born into iniquity. Adam and Eve succumbed to temptation and thereby condemned their successive progeny to a miserable state of awfulness. If there is any doubt as to our sinful state it is removed by the following scripture.

     ‘The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure….’  Jeremiah 17:9

     However, the Bible tells us that we are all fashioned in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) so there simply has to be a means of eradicating this awful state. Adam and Eve were born in His image but they sinned, and although they had to leave the Garden of Eden they were forgiven and came under God’s love and trust. For us it has to be the same. We have to be saved from ourselves. There is no difference between any of us, from Pope to plumber, Prince to pauper, everyone single one is born with a heart that deceives. If we find it difficult to believe that there are none without iniquitous hearts, especially when we think of a favourite person like a monarch or revered celebrity, then we deceive ourselves. Often, when witnessing I am reminded how good a person imagines themselves to be. I am told they pay their taxes and have not murdered anybody or got into trouble with the police. It is interesting that people equate goodness with doing the things that are supposed to be done. Christianity only starts at that point and then gives out sacrificial help to all. This sacrificial help is the point of this book as I believe it has been either forgotten or merely glossed over. Sacrificial help is the beginning of goodness. The Bible takes another view on the matter. In Romans 3:22 it clearly states that there is not one good person left on the earth.

     ‘This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believed. There is no difference for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.’

     The above is the Gospel of Christ in a nutshell. It describes the reason we need the redeeming blood of Christ, which if accepted then justifies us before God, because it frees us from the curse of sinning. It tells us that not one is exempt from this need.

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