Fat of the Land – Chapter 1

…No, it is not for gain: however the proceeds are going towards a dream that will almost certainly be the subject of a living testimony, in some future book.

     The one thing I am definitely not going to do is to spend some money visiting a health farm, while under the personal supervision of my nutritionist and my fitness guru, where I can eat as much rabbit food as I like, while being scrutinised throughout my agony.  I am not against this but if you want to resort to such drastic action then I ask you to consider an alternative, that is far less obvious and a whole lot cheaper.

     Now, one of my ideas of a gift from heaven( but on earth) is to munch on the old type double cheeseburger complete with oozing sauce and surrounded by those silly little chips, while washing it all down by my much-loved sugary cola drink. This may not be your idea of heaven and I can understand that, but it does hold a fantasy for me! So, if I have shocked you beyond imagination and have shown myself to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, one who is only out to pervert the disciples of the great Jamie Oliver (of the school kitchen), then please persevere. I am about to expose the truths about what God actually wants for an ‘eating’ Christian, when it comes to good behaviour and when confronted by what is considered these days as life threatening  food.

      Right here and now I will give you an example to whet the appetite by the semi-explosion of a myth that is used to scare us all rigid. In doing so, I do not do it to titillate but more to get something out of my system that rankles. The word is Cholesterol.

      Much utter rubbish has been spoken about the above protein. Did you know that it is so essential to our very being that to upset the requirement within the body could have a disastrous effect on the very rigidity of our life? My example of this rubbish is taken from the appearance of a ‘well known’ personality (one who I adored as a strapping youth!), during a TV advertisement. She is seen speaking from her home and awaiting a call from her doctor, presumable for the result of some blood test after eating dairy based cholesterol reducing product for the last three weeks. The phone rings….