Sweet Sanctity – Chapter 1

Special Place

The hymn writer Samuel Trever Francis penned the words ‘Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus.’ How could he have done so without having a personal knowledge of such a gift? Apparently this writer became aware of its exquisiteness enveloping his soul as he stood on a bridge parapet contemplating suicide. Of course it is also possible this peculiarity could have been due to mild hysteria, or some trick of the mind, or even a moment of temporary insanity leading to a false sense of security. If this were the case then this fortunate man would have soon realised his error as euphoria gave way to reality, but instead he chose to join the ranks of billions who throughout the history of mankind have experienced a similar permanent reconciliation with their God. We may ask is it really possible to reach a state of such ecstasy where all reason disappears before this flood of excitement pervades our very existence, and if so how and why does it happen?

Lovers may advise that any spiritual excitement that a Christian experiences could not possibly match what they feel in the arms of each other, when they culminate their love in a frenzy of fever. Sadly, they do not realise that that both what they and their spiritual counterparts experience are part of a single process of a consummation that forms the very life thread running throughout the entire Bible. The only difference between the lover and the religious devotee appears to be the nature of their joy. The lover may briefly trumpet the heights of the passion, but the devotee may take hours if not days to come down from a particular giddy height. Yet, I may understand if a reader may be unaware of such ecstasy in either situation, in which case I beg perseverance. This book will show that either or both are entirely possible for every living adult. God, if he exists, would never leave any believer bereft who truly seeks this condition, for to do so would question his deity. This ecstasy is available for all. For years I never knew that such a state could ever be mine due to being brought up in a staunchly conservative family devoid of any understanding except overt loyalty to a denomination. I would never have believed that such a spiritual consummation, as recorded in the Bible, could ever exist and neither did my parents, peers or even spiritual leaders. This led me to reject everything because if The Word was Christ there was certainly no power in it that I could see from my masters. Little did I know that I was purposefully being kept from it by incorrect dogma.

So, can these two separate passionate experiences for lovers and devoted disciples really be equated? Am I really suggesting that they both have the same root? The probability is that they are part of the same experience; the very substance of God’s provision for His people; wonderful gifts to be enjoyed let alone experienced but only if the recipient is in that special place. Once this is found I dare to suggest revisiting over time will see the experience honed to perfection. If not in that special place sanctified by God, I am sorry to say the reverse could easily happen. There may be moments of joy, but they will be fleeting and leave the recipient forever un-satiated. Be assured if God exists and capable of flinging stars into space he has a special place for those who love him. If we choose not to go there then the love we experience on earth will be conditional on our part, often based on our folly in wanting unwarranted reciprocation.

God gives freely to His people, but only as long as they are faithful in obedience to his Word. Then nothing is transient but simply builds into a steady enhancement of unconditional love. It could be the same for the carnal lover as for the religious devotee because the supply originates from the same source. However, in the case of carnal love should it be treated cheaply, it can become a thing of horror where the recipient will rarely be able to reach fulfilment. Seeking, it may never be found. This painful situation is the ultimate weapon of the devil which I am sure causes him the greatest glee. To have a human grovelling in the dust of life desperate for the next fix of pleasure is exactly where he wants this subject to suffer. What better way for a life to be ruined than to have the individual perpetually desiring after something to the point of addiction! They become driven by their lust and nothing else. I have seen men driven wild due to this evil possession, where they have to go out and destroy innocence in their sexual frenzy.

The Bible says the wages of sin is death and it seems to me that addiction is the most horrible form of slow death. It is protracted, each time requiring a greater effort on the part of the individual to satisfy that particular desire to a point where many cannot stand the continual horror. Like the aforementioned hymn writer they may then seek to end their miserable existence. Sexual depravity is of the worst kind because it acts on the soul, the very fabric of our being. Its beginnings may seem innocent enough but death and decay is at work from day one being the only promises for such behaviour. (Romans 6:23) God will not be happy with a habitual sinner. In the new covenant through Christ He will not punish but unfortunately the individual will be vulnerable to any attack by the enemy, as God cannot bless or protect a deliberate truant. Would we really expect him to?

The problems of this addictive horror are hardly spoken of within the selfish circles of our intellegentia, yet all who have fallen into this pit will know they have to continually extend the depth of their peculiar depravity in order to receive satisfaction. More is required of their black soul the longer the sin persists until there is nothing left…….